Sunday, 19 October 2014

If you want rainbows, you have to take the rain.

The pain of long haul flights is quickly forgotten within a day of reaching your holiday destination. Once the bags are unpacked, you have a hotel key in your posession, and have spent the night appreciating not sleeping in the upright position - it all seems to make it worthwhile. But that doesn’t stop the hundreds of passengers en route complaining about the journey to get there. They quickly forget how lucky they are to be spending a few days - or even weeks - seeing parts of the world that others could only dream of. While there are some people who’ve never left their home city before… others are complaining about a seat reclining in front of them too far back - instead of appreciating the view of the clouds from 10,000 feet.
I have never been one of those people. In fact- I’m one of the very odd few who revel in the idea of long haul flights. The thought of being forced to turn off my phone, and have no access to emails - whilst someone serves me food and drinks for a few hours, is like a mini holiday in itself. To sit under a blanket, watch back to back movies, read a few trashy magazines, a good book, or just sit quietly in with my own thoughts - is a rare opportunity. And one that i never take for granted.
Yes - it can be uncomfortable after a few hours, and experience can vary from airline to airline… but it also comes down to the traveller making it the best experience for themselves. The better prepared you are, the less painful of an experience it will be.
So, in saying that - heres my hot tips for long haul travel...
#1 Treat it like your normal routine. And by saying that - i mean, pack something to change into when it comes to sleep time. Pyjamas are totally acceptable if thats what helps to get you in the napping mood (theres never any judgement after about the 3 hour mark once the cabin lights dim). Take yourself to the bathroom, wash your face, brush your teeth, put on your warm socks, and get ready for ‘bed’. Our brains are suckers for routine, and will automatically understand its time to switch off as we prepare for slumber.
#2 This ones for the ladies... wear a strapless bra. This will make the world of difference to your comfort level- trust me! Once you’ve settled in, it’ll make it very easy to unclip under your jumper and get yourself out of ‘boob jail’ discreetly for the next 12 hours. And to re-dress easily when it comes time for landing.Of course, this may not be as effective for anyone with mammoth cans who can’t bare the thought of strapless anything, so i can only speak on behalf of the itty bitty titty comity when i suggest this (and yes, we are jealous of your buxom beauties!)
#3 Pack snacks. Especially if you’re a glutard like myself. It happens all too often where your specific dietary requirement hasn’t ‘manifested into the system’. Which means someone most likely dropped the ball on getting it on the flight for you. My favourite line is when they like to blame this one on your travel agent. Now, I’m not saying we’re always perfect… but having loading up my own meal requests only to be told my ‘agent’ mustve forgotten, leads me to wonder how often this happens to our clients. Needless to say it gets awfully uncomfortable when i tell them i am the agent, and i generally wouldn’t chose to forget to feed myself. Ever.
#4 Do your research. Know your airports, or at least ask when your checking in what the procedure will be at the other end. Do you need to collect your bags in transit? Will you need another boarding pass? Or a shuttle to another terminal? Are there additional baggage fees when you swap airline? Its best to find all this out before you land in a foreign country that may,or may not, speak english. It’ll save you many meltdowns and furious rants to your friends when you get home, after all- they’re only interested in hearing all about the exotic places you’ve been to while they’re stuck in the office… not about how the ‘Express Line’ wasn’t at all express, and how the girl at check was out of line for charging you excess baggage (even though you most likely did have over weight bags!)
For those of you who frequently travel to LA (or via LA) - you’ll also be glad to know that they have now introduced self service kiosks to get you through customs. No more lining up for 3 hours… in fact, it only took us 15 minutes to get through using these machines. It will only work if it isn’t your first trip there, and there are plenty of customs offices still willing to serve you through the counter if you don’t feel confident doing it independently, but its sure makes a world of difference!
Nice one LAX!